Ultimate Guide to Reinforced Concrete Mall: Shopping, Entertainment, and Top Attractions

Ultimate Guide to Reinforced Concrete Mall

 What is mall? 

  This is the large building with wide openings that may be used for various services like shopping retail and store. The are the best house to be constructed for areas in use for a long time. these malls are also built in variuos categories depending on the construction methods and uses of the mall.

 What are the types of malls?

The following are the types of malls that are mostly used in the world, these are as follows:
1. Super regional.
2. community centre.
3. Power centre.
4. Festival centre.
5. Vertical mall.
6. Strip mall.
7. Dead mall.

Note the types of mall are a lot of in the world, but the above are the most used mall. 

 The following is the ultimate guide on how to create a reinforced mall, this malll was design by Mbedule Design group in Tanzania under the supervission of Hosea Christopher Mbedule son that people will access it and read more about it.
      The best mall should have at least two floors so that may allow good circulation of air as well as people circulationn with the building, For example if there is a tree is planted near windows may provide a good air to the people inside. This may be good if the mall is designed for business issues.
      Consider an image below of reinforced mall.

Image by Mbedule Design

    If you consider an image above it have balcons that can help people in circulations, also refreshments for the people. The foyer has also good features for receptions and security issues as well, it has black color that is labeled with white color. Also green gardens enhancing aerial photos of the mall 

image by Mbedule Design

Advantages of malls than normal house

The following are the advantages of mall, like retail mall and store than the normal houses. These are as follows.
i). It has good customer attractive features.
ii). It may be used for large scale material amangement.
iii). It is strong, therefore can accomadate alot of products and materials.
iv) it may be easily to integrate communication networks and machine to performs a certain work

Consider another image below of our designed mall.

image by Mbedule design
There for the best experience when a certain company needs to design a mall it may review some of the best performing mall in the world like Dubai mall, and Iran mall

About the Author

Mbedule Design Centre is a group specialized in excuting informations and content creation on various engineering designs for developments. Founded by Hosea Christopher Mbedule.

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