A Comprehensive Guide to the Rebound hammer Test: Assessing Compressive Strength of Concrete

A Comprehensive Guide to the Rebound Hammer Test: Assessing Compressive Strength of Concrete

Introduction to rebound test

Rebound test is the among of non destructive methods of assesing the strength of concrete on existing concrete structures. This method involve the use of only one instrument to check sustainability of the concrete. Othe methods of assesing the compressive strength of the concrete without destructing the concrete structure are as follows.
Rebound hammer test

Othe non destructive methods of assesing the strength of the conrete.

1). Ultrasonic, Pulse Velocity
2). Winsor, Probe test
3). Pull out test
4). Ground penetrating radar.

Rebound Hammer Test is used to determine the strength of the conrete in particular place where an instrument will be applied. The instrument used can determine the strength of concrete for 4 inches (100mm) or more. With maximum size of particle of 1.25 inch.

The instrument used can determine the strength of concrete between 10mPa to 70mPa and when a test has been done its value is converted by the linear scale and the strength of the concrete can be found by using a gragh fixed on the testing instrument.

Procedure of conducting reboud hammer test.

The following are the procedures of conducting rebound hammer test on concrete structures.
i). Clean the surface where a test is to be conducted
ii). Calibrate hammer readings
iii). Place the hammer in perpendicular direction with the concrete surface
iv). Hit the surface by stricking with the instrument
v). Read and recoerd the rebound number
vi). Calculate the rebound index in point
vii). Repeate the procedures to multiple points on the concrete

Things to be considered in a test.

- A testing surface should be of 150mm by 150mm or more
- A test should be done on the flat surfaces
- All moisture content should be removed from the concrete
- A frozen concrete cannot be test with the instrument

This was all about the comprehensive guide to the rebound hammer test, as the most popular non destructive method of assesing the strength of concrete

About the Author

Mbedule Design Centre is a group specialized in excuting informations and content creation on various engineering designs for developments. Founded by Hosea Christopher Mbedule.

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