Why Building Design needs creative thinking

 What is building designing

Building is not a new term to most of the people, you can see someone is defining what is building design as the process of generating a building parts to get a usefull building. But buiding design is the process by which a person generating all required informations for constructing a building.
  Building design is not a one time activity that a person can do as he or she is purchasing a product, but building designing is the process that needs creative and analytical thinking.

Why building needs a creative thinking?

The following are the reasons for why building design needs a creative thinking , these are
i). A building designer should be aware of buildings and its components
ii). Building designing needs creative ideas
iii).  Building designing needs cooperation of current matters and the past ones related to building
iv). Building design needs structural mechanics architectural concepts and quantity surveyin at the same time.
v). Building desining needs reconnaisance survey of a place whrere a building is going to be built.
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Main parts of building design process.

There are important parts of building design that should be there to complete a required goal. These are as follows.
a). Architectural part, This is the important part for builing aesthetic views
b). Structural part, This is a part where by a structural engineer can resolve all force and loads that will face the building and how to overcome those loads.
c). Surveying part, This is the important part in determining local geographical data of the place.


Building designing can fully be done by softares from reconnaisance to the construction process, But the whole process need a proffessional person

About the Author

Mbedule Design Centre is a group specialized in excuting informations and content creation on various engineering designs for developments. Founded by Hosea Christopher Mbedule.

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