House Plans 3 Bedrooms

House Plans 3 Bedrooms


House plans.

You may have often wondered how to get a house plan at the best price. Through our website you can find different house plans. That's not all, we give advice on different house decorations even if you have two rooms and you don't know how to start arranging them. Don't worry, just call us, 0768400437.

For example, this picture is one of our jobs that we do every day.
Front elevation.

This is the front view of the house, where the client can say what kind of decoration he needs to make his house beautiful.

Look at this picture too.

Left elevation.

That's the view of the house on the left. But you can also look at the next picture,

Rear elevation.

That's the view of your house from the back. Not only that, you can continue to look at the view of that house further.

Ramani ya nyumba, Right elevation.

That's the view of the house from the right side. Don't just stop there, look at what the roof plan will be like.

Roof plan

Our prices are very affordable starting from 20,000/= you can get a house plan for your house and all its documents. Please contact us via 07668400437.

Important documents in huose plans

There are important documents that should be observed in every house plan prepared for the construction purpose These are following;
i. Floor plans.
ii. Foundation plans
iii. Site layout plans.
iv. Section details.
v. Roof plans.
vi. Bar bending schedules.

About the Author

Mbedule Design Centre is a group specialized in excuting informations and content creation on various engineering designs for developments. Founded by Hosea Christopher Mbedule.

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