Building design process

Building design process and procedures.

Building design process


Building design is the among of preliminary stages in the construction of the building that convey client requirements into a set of descriptions and instructions that will be used in the construction of the building.

This post is written for aim of providing all important stages that are used in the design.  These stages may sometimes vary depending on the local authority specialized for managing constructions process. These stages may vary from project to project also.

Stages described in this post is for residential buildings and other medium buildings and smaller buildings.

Building design process, front view

Building design process

The following are the important processes in building design for residential and medium size4d buildings.

i. Assessing the need.

ii. Feasibility study.

iii. Selection of the designer.

iv. Designing of the building.

v. Detailing



Assessing the needs

This is the initial stage in the design of the building where a client thinks on his or her needs and the suitable building to meet that needs. For example, if there is a need of constructing residential house but y how many rooms How many bedrooms, stores, living room, kitchen, and dinning rooms.

The client has to decide on the number of rooms or should consult a specialized person that would help him on the whole process of the making decision in the number of rooms.

Hiring the consultant on this decision will be the best way so as to have a functional and suitable building.

Feasibility study.

This is the stage where a client has sought a consultant on his need. Here a reconnaissance is conducted so as assess the site conditions, recoding all important information to be included in a tender document.

Information to be recorded are as follows;

i. Site topography

ii. Assessing structures of the existing building

iii. Soil conditions

iv. Local regulations

By knowing the above information, the design teams, Client and consultants will come up with the up to date decisions of the building to be designed.


Selection of the designer.

 In this stage is where a client decides on the designer who can meet the need of his project. Usually consultant team is where a designer will be obtained from.

For example, a consultant conducted a feasibility study will be the one who can design a functional building for the clients needs.

Selection of then designer may be influenced by the following factors;

i. Urgency of the work.

ii. Reputation on previous project.

iii. Interviews.

iv. competency of the designer

Selection of the designer is important and will lead to the effective success of the project completion.


Designing of the building.

This is the main and important stage where loading analysis may be done to ensure building to be design is safely used, practical in terms of construction stage, economical matters and aesthetic appearance.

This stage involves the following parameters;

i. Loading analysis.

ii. Design of reinforcements

-          This is for only structural elements or other elements that may need reinforcements.

iii. Checking for shear effects.

iv. Checking for deflection effects.

V. Suggesting on the suitable sections and reinforcements.

During this stage the consultant team will develop important notes for the building to be designed. These are;

-          The design concepts

-          Underlining all specifications

-          Cost planning

-          Outlining all service to be included

-          Outlining all accommodational facilities.

All design will be depending on architectural needs so as to maintain a aesthetic value of the building.


Detailing is the process represent design information in engineering format. This is the stage where all designing documents will be represented in engineering format to be understood by any engineers in the world. For example, detailing of the reinforced concrete beam is uniformly all over the world. So documentation of design data (detailing) will lay on that uniformity.

For example, the detailing of the section in the figure below.


Building design process, detailing



In most of the building design process detailing is the final process where all design matters will be represented in engineering format. Failure in detailing is the failure in designing, therefore a designer should be care of detailing in preparing design documents.

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